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Project Overview

Project Number
Total Grant Value
MRIWA Contribution
Project Theme
Processing Technology
Project Period
2023 - 2023

The Challenge

Platinum Group Metals ( PGM) are needed for a range of new applications including hydrogen electrolysis and industrial chemical production.

A coordinated industry approach for the PGM processing in WA could accelerate the formation of a high value PGM industry by developing processing methods for producing marketable  products.

Proposed Solution

The Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia (WA) is undertaking a study on the potential for development of a Platinum Group Metals industry in WA.

Find out more about the awarded tender, click here.

Proposed Benefits to WA

Recent discoveries of PGM resources by several WA companies have let to research in the concentration and processing of these metals. By identifying new opportunities and process paths for the metals, plus synergies of these projects could accelerate the opportunity for these companies.

Metals such as Nickel and Vanadium which have PGM as by products may also be encouraged to collaborate. Investment paths for the industry will become clearer as a result of this study.

Key words: Platinum, Paladium, PGMs, Crtitical Minerals, Precious Metals, Processing , Value Chain, Industry

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Page was last reviewed 8 July 2024

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