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The MRIWA research priorities are identified in the Research Priority Plan. The Plan describes the medium to long term knowledge and technology needs of the State’s minerals industry to ensure it can deliver an economic and social benefit for Western Australia.

Priorities included in the Plan are intended to be those issues which industry, the research sector and the MRIWA Board agree present real and significant challenges inhibiting Western Australians from benefiting from the minerals industry to its fullest extent; and where resolution of these will create opportunities and deliver value.

This Plan is used by MRIWA to identify the key areas where investments will be made into high impact research and development. Those seeking to work with MRIWA on our Impactful Research program will need to demonstrate alignment with the priorities outlined in the Plan and how the benefit will be realised for Western Australia.

The six Program areas incorporate priorities specific to parts of the mining value chain, and broader themes applicable across the value chain, with an integrated approach required to achieve the intended outcomes outlined in the Plan.

Read the complete MRIWA Research Priority Plan

Program Areas

Find More Viable Resources

Meeting the challenge of finding significant new discoveries

Expand The Mining Envelope

Adapting to allow economic and safe extraction of resources

Increase Recovered Value Through Processing

Creating mineral processing capability and new processing technologies

Infrastructure & Logistics

Addressing long-term planning for infrastructure requirements

New Products & Markets

Creating premium products and new industries

Remediation & Mine Closure

Ensuring a sustainable positive legacy for the industry and community

Page was last reviewed 7 August 2020

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