Grant Applications
MRIWA accepts applications from all organisations who have capability to undertake minerals research
MRIWA strongly encourages industry-initiated research and projects involving companies from the Western Australian mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector.
There is no minimum or maximum level of funding which can be applied for. However, all applications must include co-investment from the project’s participating organisations.
MRIWA’s Research Portfolio Managers are available to work with all potential applicants to discuss the development of their proposals. Research grant applications will be considered under four streams:
Open call
MRIWA accepts applications throughout the year for projects which address a challenge or issue facing the minerals industry in Western Australia and align to the MRIWA Research Priority Plan.
Targeted call
From time-to-time MRIWA may issue a call for applications on a theme within the Research Priority Plan. These targeted calls for research project proposals will be made on the MRIWA website, via our social media channels and our fortnightly enewsletter.
Accelerated Mineral Carbonation Research Program
METS Innovation Grants
MRIWA has a dedicated funding program for METS company innovation. The program includes grant funding and project facilitation.
Partner grants
MRIWA will consider requests to be a partner on an application submitted to another research funding body e.g., the Australian Research Council’s Linkage Program, or Co-operative Research Centres.
More Information
General Application Information
What you need to know to apply for funding
METS Innovation Application Information
What you need to know to apply for funding for the METS Innovation Program
Rapid Response Projects Application Forms
The Rapid Response Project research funding provides a streamlined process for short-term, focused studies addressing urgent mineral carbonation challenges.
Break Through and Innovation Project Applications
The AMC Research Program (the Program) aims to accelerate the development and implementation of mineral carbonation technologies to capture CO2 emissions in the mining and mineral processing sector.
Page was last reviewed 19 December 2024