New MRIWA Indigenous Postgraduate Research Scholarship
Supporting future Indigenous researchers with the skills and passion to tackle the challenges of the WA minerals industry
The future of the Western Australian minerals industry is being shaped by great researchers from many backgrounds.
Working towards our mission of fostering a diverse and innovative industry delivering value to all Western Australians, the MRIWA Indigenous Postgraduate Research Scholarship supports the development of research champions and industry thought-leaders from the Aboriginal community.
The scholarship will provide support to the selected candidate for postgraduate studies focused in areas of research relevant to the minerals industry in Western Australia.
Launched today by Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Johnston and Aboriginal Affairs Minister Stephen Dawson, this prestigious award is available for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students for study at any university in Western Australia.
The awardee will receive a generous stipend and financial support package valued at up to $40,360 per annum, access to a program of professional and communication skills training, industry and academic networking opportunities, and individual mentoring and career development support.
This new scholarship complements the existing PhD Scholarships offered by MRIWA, which include the MRIWA Odwyn Jones PhD Scholarship and MRIWA PhD Scholarship for Women.
Applications close 30 September 2021.
Find out more about the scholarships offered by MRIWA and how to apply - link will open in a new window.
Read the Ministers’ media statement - link will open in a new window.
Page was last reviewed 30 June 2022