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We are pleased to advise that Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Johnston today announced the appointment of Miriam Stanborough as the new chairperson of the Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia (MRIWA).

Miriam brings to the role more than 20 years’ experience working for mining and METS companies including Monadelphous, Iluka Resources and Alcoa of Australia and has been a member of the MRIWA board since 2017.

Also announced today was the reappointment of Helen Cook as Deputy Chair and appointment of Hailey Adams-Packer as a member of the board.

The strength of MRIWA as an organisation is as a result of high calibre of our broader team – our Board, our advisory committees and the staff within our organisation.

We would like to thank Denise Goldsworthy and Jane Hammond for their leadership and contributions while on the MRIWA Board.

Read the Minister’s full release here - link will open in a new window.

Page was last reviewed 11 March 2021

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