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Supported by MRIWA, PhD student Gabriel Gonzalez is working at the Centre for Transforming Maintenance Through Data Science to address the challenges accompanying the modern data-driven focus in the way Western Australia’s mining sector operates.

Data is an increasingly important component of the mining and mineral processing sector, with industry participants investing heavily in people, resources and initiatives to deliver the capacity to apply data science initiatives across their business.

Even the most powerful computational systems and sophisticated models, however will struggle to deliver good insights from a small, noisy or incomplete dataset. Amplifying bad data just gives bigger bad results.

Gabriel’s research is focusing on enhancing data quality to improve the management of resource-intensive equipment maintenance in the mining and mineral processing sector. Combining better quality data with faster processing systems and better computer models will allow operators to better realise the benefits of data science to deliver more efficient outcomes for the mining industry.

MRIWA is partnering with the Australian Research Council (ARC), Curtin University, University of Western Australia, CSIRO, Alcoa, BHP, Roy Hill and the CORE Innovation Hub in the Centre for Transforming Maintenance through Data Science - link will open in a new window.

The Centre seeks to deliver the next generation of data science solutions focused on the problems that industry needs addressed to deliver efficient and effective maintenance.

Page was last reviewed 8 June 2021

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