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To enable us to invest in minerals research to advance Western Australia MRIWA relies on the input of many and varied stakeholders through their participation on the Board, in an advisory capacity, or as a member of staff or a contractor.

All Institute staff, including members of the Board and the MRIWA College, and all participants in MRIWA-funded research projects, must comply with the requirements of relevant policies and guidelines.

Code of Conduct

The MRIWA Code of Conduct provides a clear guide to working together; the ethical basis of our operations and workplace behaviour and related responsibilities. MRIWA’s Code of Conduct builds on the Public Sector Code of Ethics which sets out the minimum standards of conduct and integrity for all public sector employees.

Read the Code of Conduct

Risk Appetite Statement

The MRIWA Risk Appetite Statement considers the most significant risks to which the Institute is exposed and provides an outline of the approach to managing these risks. The Statement also identifies the various categories of risk researchers are obliged to consider under the terms of financial assistance provided by MRIWA for minerals research projects.

Read the Risk Appetite Statement

MRIWA Board Charter

Control and management of MRIWA is vested in a Board of seven members appointed by the Minister for Mines and Petroleum. The Charter describes the roles and responsibilities of the MRIWA Board.

Read the MRIWA Board Charter

Audit & Risk Committee Charter

The MRIWA Audit and Risk Committee provides risk-based and objective assurance, advice, and insight to ensure the MRIWA audit and risk framework operates effectively. The Charter describes the roles and responsibilities of the Audit and Risk Committee.

Read the Audit & Risk Committee Charter

MRIWA College and Grant Assessment Panel Terms of Reference

MRIWA engages with a diverse range of representatives from industry and the research community through their participation in the MRIWA College and the grant assessment process. The related Terms of Reference describe the roles and responsibilities of the MRIWA College and grant assessment panels.

Read the MRIWA College and Grant Assessment Panel Terms of Reference

Page was last reviewed 22 November 2024

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