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The Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia (MRIWA) is a statutory body established by the Western Australian Government. The activities we support directly address knowledge and technology needs relevant to the minerals industry in the State, as outlined in the MRIWA Research Priority Plan.

Funding minerals research

Through our grant funding for research projects and scholarships, we stimulate high-impact applied minerals research to support a globally competitive minerals industry in Western Australia.

MRIWA supports research undertaken in Australia and internationally to expand the technology base necessary for the development of the industry. All research we support must deliver tangible economic, environmental or social benefit for Western Australia.

Engaging industry in research

Industry-initiated research projects are strongly encouraged, and all projects must have demonstrated industry engagement. Through our research network we enable the development of new connections between research and industry. Our focus on collaboration encourages innovation and builds research networks between industry, research providers and government.

MRIWA is a core participant in the Future Battery Industries Cooperative Research Centre (FBI CRC) and a participant in several other CRCs including CRC ORE: Optimising Resource Extraction (CRC ORE), CRC for Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME) and MinEx CRC.

Communicating research results

We encourage the publication of minerals research findings and provide a platform for grant recipients to communicate the outcomes of their research. These activities enable knowledge transfer from research into practice and enable the minerals community to benefit through adapting and adopting research results.

Our Project Portfolio includes details of current and completed MRIWA projects and includes over 300 reports detailing the research undertaken and findings.

MRIWA regularly hosts public seminars and workshops on topical issues for the minerals industry, including the latest research findings.

Ministerial advice

The expertise of MRIWA is available to the State Minister and the WA Government to foster and promote minerals research for the benefit of the Western Australia.

Page was last reviewed 9 December 2024

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